Sunday was the big day! After four years, lots of readings, numerous papers, and approximately 3 hours of sitting in the sun I received that very expensive piece of paper that marks me as a college graduate.
Taking pictures in the Rose Garden. |
Graduation weekend was intense. Saturday my parents arrived, I watched as several of my super impressive friends were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and then wandered over to Baccalaureate. Baccalaureate was long and hot, and I wished it was a little more like a Quaker meeting. I'm going to miss spending my Sunday mornings sitting in silence and prayer. After Baccalaureate I dragged my parents to some department receptions to meet my professors- and may of gotten an ego boast from hearing all the nice things they said about me. Then we meet up with my sister and her boyfriend and went to dinner. We were supposed to go out with a group of my friends and their families but there was a mistake with our reservation, so that didn't quite work out as plan. When we returned to campus we watched a beautiful fireworks show before telling each other goodnight.
Getting my rose for Commencement. |
The next morning I meet up with some of my friends in the Rose Garden to pick out a rose to wear for graduation (Swarthmore tradition), and then went to breakfast with them and my family. After that was the big event: Commencement! I highly enjoyed the speakers, especially the one who gave a shout out to Peace and Conflict Studies majors saying, "Peace and Conflict Studies majors would reason you into submission. More like, talk you to death." Waiting for everyone to receive their diplomas was tiring, we had to stand while all the students receiving BA degrees walked, though I loved that someone placed a giant cut out of Where's Waldo in the trees right before we walked across the stage it definitely made my smile more authentic. Afterwards, I took a great many pictures, packed up the rest of my room, and headed on home with my parents.
The family! |
People keep asking me how it feels to be a college graduate, the only answer I've been able to give is weird, because I haven't felt like a college graduate. I haven't felt like one because I'm working Alumni Weekend, so I'm already back on campus, sleeping in a dorm room again. I think that when I leave after this weekend, I will feel more like a college graduate.
The best advice of the week was during Last Collection, and can be summarized thusly:
ReplyDelete"Go change the world. Make it better."