Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sick Day

 So I took my first, and hopefully only, sick day from School today. I've been in bed for the better part of the past two days. I'm taking medicine and eating soup. I've been given camomile tea to soothe my stomach and oranges for vitamin C. I'm still not feeling great, so thankfully I don't have school tomorrow.

Really, though, there is nothing like being sick to make you miss home. When I was finally able to drag myself to the pharmacy I knew what medicine I wanted- if I was in the States anyway but I had no idea if they had what I wanted here in Jordan. So I just asked for aspirin and something for upset stomach. I then walked over to the little convenience store next door, and found some Ramen- which was pretty exciting because that's what I always eat when I'm sick at home. I spent most of today wanting my mom to take of me, and a hot water bottle to cuddle with.

But, there is also nothing like being sick to show you who your friends are. All of my friends here in Irbid, and the teachers and administrators at school, wanted to know how they could help me- if they could get me medicine, if there was any food I needed, if they could help me figure out what caused it. It's been wonderful to know that so many people who have only known me for a short time truly care about me and my health. I'm grateful to have such a loving and caring network around me, even when I'm far away from home and the things I'm used to.

1 comment:

  1. oh no! Get lots of sleep and feel better soon! you are always so loved wherever you go <3 <3
